AACL – Animal Anti-Cruelty League
We’re excited and honoured to feature South Africa’s second largest independent animal welfare organisation on PetlifeSA.
The Dangers of Leaving Dogs in Cars

Leaving a dog in a parked car is unacceptable, ESPECIALLY if it’s a hot day.
Dogs can suffer a great deal and heatstroke can be fatal. Even if the window is left a little open, the temperature will keep rising and dogs can easily overheat without free flowing air that’s required to keep their body temperature down.
The following symptoms should scare you: heavy panting at first and profuse salivation, followed by rapid pulse, lack of coordination and loss of consciousness or possible collapse.
Here’s how you can help if a dog that’s been left alone in a car seems even slightly anxious:
- Write or type out the car’s make, model, colour and registration number.
- Approach nearby buildings and ask them to look for / alert the dog’s owner.
- Contact the nearest animal care organisation or the SA Police Services.
- Don’t leave the dog before help arrives.
Reacting in time could mean the difference between life and death. Once the dog has been rescued, get him to a veterinarian for an evaluation.
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