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Negative Punishment for Cats

When it comes to cat discipline, many owners find negative punishment and positive reward useful.
Before finding out how you can discipline your cat remember the following: always react consistently towards bad (and good) behaviours. If you don’t, you’ll just confuse your cat and become the cause of your own frustration in the future. For example, if your cat meows for food when it’s not feeding time, ignore her. Don’t give in every other night just because it’s annoying.
To discipline your cat, reward good behaviour:
- Show affection and approval
- Offer your cat a tasty, healthy treat
- Offer stimulation: play with her; buy a few toys; make her environment enjoyable
To discipline your cat, don’t reward bad behaviour:
- Ignore your cat
- Walk away from your cat
- Don’t say anything or make a sound (it could be confused for approval)
In time, certain behaviours will be associated with reward or unfavourable actions. They should seek the positive and eventually stop doing the things you don’t approve of.
If you consistently discipline your cat you can correct bad behaviour and encourage good behaviour. After all, pet kittens and wild cats learn from their mothers through repetition. Don’t stop rewarding positive behaviour and don’t reward negative behaviour.
Most importantly: Don’t give up!
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