AACL – Animal Anti-Cruelty League
We’re excited and honoured to feature South Africa’s second largest independent animal welfare organisation on PetlifeSA.
10 Golden Rules to kill ticks and fleas!

In order to prevent and control flea infestation, it is essential to understand the different stages of their life cycle on your animal and in your home.
Prevent infestation and reinfestation from new sources of fleas. If at risk, treat your pet preventively, not only when you see fleas. - BE CONSISTENT
Based on the epidemiological situation, if needed, treat your pet all year long, even during winter, because fleas can still be active in the household. - AWARENESS
Be aware that your home could have already been contaminated by fleas when you see them on your pet; at any time, 95% of the flea population may be present in the house or in the environment as eggs, larvae, and pupae. - CLEANLINESS
Vacuum, wash pet bedding at high temperature, and clean all areas that may harbour immature stages. Treat the environment with specific insecticides if you have seen fleas on your animal. - REMEMBER
Treat all the animals present in your household. - FLEA PREVENTION
Use appropriate parasiticides, veterinary registered products. Avoid the use of non-labelled products. - TREATMENTS
Comply with the indicated schedule of treatment and the interval between two treatments. - ADMINISTRATION
Select an appropriate administration mode (oral, topical spot-on, or collar). - APPLICATION OF PRODUCTS
Don’t bath or wash your dog within 48 hours after a topical application. Don’t apply spot-on products on a wet coat. If you have a flea infestation it may take several months of treatment before it comes under control. - DOSAGE OF PRODUCTS
Select the appropriate size-related dosage for your pet.
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